Friday, 13 July 2007

McCanns Friends Accusations

As many people already know, four people were called in for questioning by the Portuguese police this week. Three of these four were friends of the McCanns who holidayed with them, Fiona Payne, Russell O’Brien and Rachel Oldfield, the fourth was chief suspect Robert Murat.

The McCanns friends have claimed since almost the beginning (in fact it is one of the rare "facts" that hasn't changed) to have seen Robert Murat at the search on the night Madeleine went missing, Murat contrary to their claims says he was in his mothers villa the whole time. The portugeuse law states that when something like this occurs the "witnesses" have to confront the "suspect" A police source said: "It is normal in Portugal for the two sides to be brought together to try and find the truth. This is what happened on Wednesday," Fiona Payne, Russell O’Brien and Rachel Oldfield sat in a room with Robert Murat and said to him "You were there night she vanished" The McCanns friends were only questioned for 2 hours, Murat was questioned for approximately 6-8 hours, and upon leaving the police station announced "I can’t say anything, but yes I am still a suspect"

Gerry McCann wrote about his friends being questioned in his Blog on Wednesday "The Portuguese police interviewed three of our friends again today, to clarify points in their initial statements" But that wasn't his first sentence in the blog.

It started off by saying "This morning got off to a bad start when we were called, even before the twins were awake, by a reputable press agency saying that a body had been found and asking if it was true. It is very disappointing that this person did not check out the source of this rumour before contacting our representatives. Such calls and rumours are distressing even though we know if it does not come through an official source not to place much emphasis on it."

Now if we look further into this paragraph, you can see first he says "we were called" then he says "before contacting our representatives" so which is it? Was he awoken by the press or did the press contact his "representatives" who then contacted him? If the latter why did they not "check out the source of this rumour" ?? Or is this another alleged stunt to get the case back on the front page? If it is, I kinda can't blame him if he has no involvement in it at all of course he wants Madeleines name to be on the front page as much as possible. The Mirror Forums were discussing this entry on wednesday.

Todays blog entry was a little bit better and talks about him thanking the police.

I hope this innocent little girl is found soon and the monster(s) whoever they may be pay dearly!

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