Friday, 27 July 2007

Extended Holiday

I am going to be taking a rather long holiday, I have a lot of work on at the moment so I'm going to be taking about a month of, I should be back sometime in September, I make make the occasional post between now and then but nothing really, not everyday anyways!

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Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Madeleine Parents to be prosecuted?

The papers over the past few days have been full of information about Gerry and Kate McCann, the public has said they will not let these parents get away with neglecting their children by leaving them alone while they went out at night.

The McCann's claim that they are the victims of an Internet smear campaign and an attempt to get them arrested, why shouldn't they be? If any other parent was stupid enough (as it was in no way naivety being naive is not thinking 3 children who were at the time all under 3 will be safe, not just from kidnapping, but from falling out of bed and smashing their head open, from trying to make themselves a drink and maybe knocking glasses out of the cupboard and cutting themselves the list is endless, and I'm not even a parent but I'm not stupid enough to think a child under 3 is safe alone for even 5 minutes nevermind a few hours) stupid enough to do this to their child/children, they should surely be prosecuted or be punished in some way.

There was this story in the Manchester Evening News on 19th

Luckily her children came to no harm and yes she went free but she was still taken to court and "was given a community order to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months. She was also ordered to pay £50 costs." That in my eyes is better than nothing, so why have the McCanns not even been looked into for their neglect? Is it because they're doctors? because they have friends in "high" places? because their daughter went missing after they left her alone?

I would call their imprisonment, or even a fine and community service, justice for Madeleine. Maybe justice will be served.

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Lil Bit Of Everything

I was looking through my logfile on and was seeing what people had Googled to get to my site, I was surprised and happy to see several people actually put my blog name into Google. I didn't think I was that popular, so I decided to put my blog name into Google to see where about on Google my blog appeared! Well I typed in "Lil Bit Of Everything" and I saw an IMDB entry for a errr what I would call an adult movie! So it seems that I have named my Blog after pr0n! It's nice to know that when people are looking for either information on a pr0n movie or the movie itself they might stumble upon my Blog.

I think they might be slightly disappointed if they do!

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Monday, 23 July 2007

Crazy Roommates

I've been away for a few days wasn't feeling too well and spent most of the time in bed :(

Anyway when I did venture to my laptop I found this website that made me laugh so much I had to see if anybody else had roommates out there as crazy as this guy does..... and then I found this it seems that crazy people are living everywhere, I thank god that I've never had to have a roommate!

Maybe these people should check out this Wikihow

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